English Muffins

Serious nook and cranny-dom, with a wonderful smell and flavor.

Ingredients for 6 Muffins
Bread flour* 300g/2.125 cup
Sugar 5g/2 tsp
Kosher salt 5g/2 tsp
Instant yeast 5g/1.5 tsp
1 whole egg
Fresh milk 150+ml (I use 2%)
Unsalted butter 15g/1 Tbsp (small pieces, softened)
Corn meal

1. Add flour, sugar, salt, and yeast to mixing bowl and whisk together.

2. Add egg and milk and mix using stand mixer with dough hook on low until it comes together (you could probably do this by hand, but I don't). Depending on flour you may need a dash or so more liquid (milk or water).

3. Add butter and continue to mix until combined.

4. Remove, form into a smooth ball, return to bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise 60 minutes.

5. Deflate, remove from bowl, form ball or log, and cut into 6 equal pieces. On lightly floured surface, lightly knead each piece into a smooth ball. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 15 minutes.

6. For each ball, dust work surface with corn meal and press down into muffin shape. Then sprinkle top with corn meal. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise 30-40 minutes.

7. Preheat pan/griddle to 350-375°F and lightly coat with olive oil. Cook for 3-5 minutes per side until lightly browned (I like to undercook them a tad so the center is a little doughy… this lets them cook perfectly when fork split and toasted). Place on rack to cool.

* I don't use bread flour as the all purpose flour I buy is higher protein (11%) than typical supermarket all purpose flour.